School of Biblical Studies Free Courses
The free online SBS courses are TUITION FREE through our SBS Online School. These courses are only in the AUDIO FORMAT (No Video), which also includes a FREE download of the study guide. You will not be receiving credit or grades for the Free Online Courses.
Every journey, big or small, begins with the first step. Your first step with the School of Biblical Studies is the course Your Liberty in Christ. Understanding who Christ is in you and the freedom and liberty you have in Him is the critical first step of understanding every other course we offer. Whether you are a new Christian or a seasoned saint we strongly encourage you to begin your journey with Your Liberty In Christ. This one course will allow you to live freer that you have ever thought you could live, free from insecurity, inferiority, guilt, shame or condemnation. Begin your new life of freedom today! We are so excited about your new journey that we are offering to you the video version of Your Liberty In Christ to you free of charge.
All free courses that you select will be saved in your online JE Shop account along with any paid digital products you have purchased, so you may return to them at any time.