Jesus Experience
IT ONLY TAKES ONE by Dr. Gary V. Whetstone - Never Underestimate the Power of ONE!
Never underestimate the power of one. In 1855, a Sunday school teacher led Dwight L. Moody to the Lord. Moody later met F. B. Meyer and invited him to America to preach. Meyer's message touched the heart of J. W. Chapman, who hired Billy Sunday to do evangelistic work with him. After one of Billy Sunday's revivals, a group of men invited Mordecai Ham to hold services. There, a young man named Billy Graham gave his heart to the Lord. We all know the impact Billy Graham has had on our world, but it started with a Sunday school teacher being obedient to his calling. In "It Only Takes One", Dr. Gary Whetstone unveils the truth and shows you who you really are. As you read this book, you will behold God's masterpiece in the mirror-you! It will become clear that God created you as His champion and uniquely fashioned you to fit into His master design for the universe. It's time to realize that with God, it only takes one to make a difference in this world. Champion, you are that one! You can discover how to step into your life's dreams. This is your tool to walk in the fullness of your destiny!